Second City: We Always Bounce Black: A Black Excellence Comedy Revue
Brittani Yawn, Daryn Robinson, Wanjiku Kairu, Spencer Hodges, Kaleb Jackson, Terrance Lamonte, Jr.
Second City Presents WE ALWAYS BOUNCE BLACK: A BLACK EXCELLENCE COMEDY REVUE Review - Blending Unique Experiences With Universal Ones
TLDR: Second City’s latest revue has sketches, audience interaction, and one liners where most are rooted in living the Black experience combined with others that a lot of audience members are going to relate to, and also ones that are just plain funny for the sake of being funny.
Kaleb Jackson, Daryn Robinson, Terrance Lamonte, Jr., Wanjiku Kairu
Second City’s Latest Revue Celebrates Black Excellence
Quick! Run down the stairs and bar the doors behind you! It’s the end of the world and the woke white liberals are taking over. They’ve cleaned out the stock of moisturizer and washcloths and they’re headed for the bonnets next! But don’t worry, we’re safe down here in the underground bunker where no one can find us. We’ll just keep tabs on how everything is going up there through social media. Oh but wait, has someone been live streaming this whole time??
In Second City’s latest revue, We Always Bounce Black the ensemble performs the usual improv classics from long form sketches, building off audience suggestions, and quippy one liners. This time though, each is themed or rooted in some aspect about being Black.
Don’t miss out on Black Excellence Network’s special programming, Light Skin Court along with Things Black People Don’t Do. During the Say My Name segment (in the style of Destiny’s Child obviously), Brittani Yaw, Spencer Hodges, and Daryn Robinson venture out into the audience to quiz guests on notable Black female public figures.
By the end of the show, we get a Soul Train-esque dance line that ends the show in a celebration and has us leaving the theater in the best of moods.
Funny For The Sake of Being Funny
Incorporated right alongside the sketches that speak to unique Black experiences are sketches and bits that a lot of people will probably relate to. Everybody has had those blowouts and truth time on a friends vacation, right?
Wanjiku Kairu dons a black pullover and chimes and buzzes to wake Terrance Lamonte, Jr. up. He tries to explain to her that he’s trying to cut down on his screen time, but the enraged cellphone Kairu offendedly buzzes and rolls around the floor.
Lock the sliding doors and hit the lights because grocery store clerk Brittani has announced the category is GROCERY STORE REALNESS. Late night at the Jewel has turned into a ball with artichokes, meats, and more strutting down the runway.
The cast takes one moment or experience and blows it out into a big comedy bit. Some have pointed commentary on today’s society, others are just silly and goofy.
Terrance Lamonte, Jr., Brittani Yawn, Wanjiku Kairu
Distinct, But Cohesive
While the ensemble works together to paint the picture of each of these scenes for us, each member has a distinct style they bring to the table.
Daryn Robinson pulls off the high voice, head up in the clouds, ditzy valley girl.
Brittani Yawn has perfected the pointed stare and knows when to let her facial expressions do all the talking.
Terrance Lamonte Jr. pulls out the swagger when he needs to as he plays somebody’s date but then switches to a booming preacher in church in the next sketch.
Spencer Hodges does a mean impersonation of Viola Davis not forgetting her iconic snot bubble.
Wanjiku Kairu has us laughing uncontrollably as she uses the full stage with her over-the-top physical comedy.
And Kaleb Jackson comes in pushing their glasses up their nose with a perfectly timed “Well actually!”
So while they all come together to create one cohesive world or plot before us, each still comes with their distinct style to craft characters we can see fitting into each of these situations.
Brittani Yawn, Wanjiku Kairu, Daryn Robinson, Spencer Hodges, Kaleb Jackson, Terrance Lamonte, Jr.
The After Party Thoughts
The cast has found the perfect balance of being able to deliver jokes about unique experiences and when to throw some digs at white people and society. I like that over the years Second City has created a space where comedians can develop works that speak to their own lived experiences to share with audiences.
So if you’re a fan of sketch comedy and Second City shows, but scared that you won’t relate to a show that has Black in the name, don’t be! Live a little! See the show and then afterwards you can Google why bonnets are important and what an oo-tee is. And if you already know what those are, great! Get ready to laugh and snap when you recognize those experiences or laugh at yourself as the cast calls you out.
All in all, it’s a good fit for those who like new works, comedy that expands points of view, and the classic Second City revue show structure.
Brittani Yawn, Daryn Robinson, Wanjiku Kairu
Now through March 29, 2025
The Second City UP Comedy Club
230 W North Ave.
Chicago, IL 60614
Runtime: 2hrs including an intermission
Tickets can be purchased by calling the The Second City Box Office at 312-337-3992 or online through the Second City website.
Timothy M. Schmidt
Find Allie and The After Party featured on Theatre In Chicago
Terrance Lamonte, Jr., Kaleb Jackson, Wanjiku Kairu
Spencer Hodges
Kaleb Jackson
Wanjiku Kairu
Terrance Lamonte Jr.
Daryn Robinson
Brittani Yaw
Anthony LeBlanc (Director)
Julia Morales (Assistant Director)
Tilliski Ramey (Music Director)
Devonte E. Washington (Stage Manager)